Monday, December 30, 2024

Kashmiris open homes, mosques to give shelter to visitors stuck out in the open due to intense cold: Communal Harmony Project-59

This is the latest news, as severe snowfall in the winter, caused a difficult situation for visitors in Kashmir. Nearly 2,000 vehicles got stuck in biting cold and people were left in the lurch.

However, amidst such a situation, Kashmiris opened their houses, mosques for the visitors and tourists trapped in sub-zero [-20, -15]degree temperature amidst snowfall.
This is indeed a good gesture. In fact, it happens a lot. However, it is not reported well. Negative portrayal of Kashmir is common in media.
People must help others. When Kashmiri shawl & dry fruit sellers go to rest of India, they should be treated well. In Lucknow, other cities too, there have been incidents in the past when Kashmiri traders were hassled, harassed and forced to leave.
The most recent incident occurred in Himachal Pradesh. In HP i.e. Shimla or other districts and towns, citizens should stop anyone who mistreats & misbehaves with the traders of Kashmir.

Strengthen national unity and spread harmony by understanding others. Those who write editorials, forget to mention these aspects. We must remember that when we talk about unity and integrity of the country, it should be not just theory, but in practice as well.
One must not thump chest and feel happy if someone gets assaulted or their rights are taken away. We want them 'in mainstream' and for this, we must ensure that they feel at home. Every Indian must shun discrimination and hate.

Be humane, spread positive news, bring communities together & shame the negative people who create divide in society and weaken the nation. If anyone says that this place or this region is not integrated well, they should first introspect and also look at own conduct--our duties.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Rise in racism, anti-immigrant sentiment in the world: Native's claim on country on the basis of majority's race, religion and skin colour

[In view of the recent anti-immigration sentiment in United States and other countries, this article has been written. Ten points, an explanation in this form for easy understanding.

By Shams Ur Rehman Alavi

1. People have no control over own birth and one can be born anywhere as it is not a baby's choice. Sadly, parents' race, religion, country or skin colour, faith, determines a lot. 

2. A White Christian in Europe or UK, too is born in his home, and he or she has no control over own birth either. But later in life, the person feels he or she owns entire country & casually tells 'other' that latter doesn't belong to them. 

3. Even a right-wing Hindu in India casually asks a Muslim whose ancestors lived here for 1,000 years, to 'go', 'leave', as if the former owns entire land in India and can even decide who should live here or be expelled.

3 (ii) This is a strange sense of entitlement! Humans are indeed weird species. I or you can decide who will enter our house but such megalomania that all land, entire nation is my or my community's property and anyone who is 'different' can be otherized and discriminated with?

4. The sickening audacity that 'I belong' here & a belief that I can decide, tell others to 'leave', judge others, issue diktat on the basis of my skin tone or faith is extremely difficult to understand. One must remember that Whites in US are also European immigrants' descendants, not the natives.

5, Interestingly, even if someone is a first generation immigrant, but due to complexion or ideology, faith or race, he can pass judgment on a local living for ages, and otherize him/her...!!! 

6. If the issue is analyzed, then we realize that Media has played a dirty role in dividing society, terming 'outsiders' for every issue, which in turn emboldens people to spread hate, racism, xenophobia. It influenced people the wrong way. 

7. It's shameful majoritarianism, everywhere. In Gulf region, many regions now have 75-85% outsiders and millions of Christians, Hindus live, without any such discrimination. There is no restriction or bias on the basis of culture, faith or food.

 8. In some cities and countries in West Asia, locals are less than 25% or just 15%, but they are not insecure or hateful. Compared to past, the immigration system is more relaxed and diverse communities live in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Oman, Doha, Kuwait, Sharjah etc.

9. But, in Europe and US, even 2-3% minorities are seen as 'others' and anger, jealousy, insecurity is visible. The psychological fear, hysteria and the anger over immigrants' arrival as if it's an 'invasion' is bizarre.

10. A serious discourse is needed. Western countries that have in the past, enslaved countries in the East, Asia and Africa, or took steps that caused migration and arrival of refugees, all these aspects can no longer be ignored.