It was Imran Khan's dream to build a Cancer Hospital in his mother's memory and we were all witness to the hardships he faced and the years he spent in collecting funds for the project, which he ultimately turned it into reality.
But Imran didn't stop with that and his next dream project was to establish a world class university in Pakistan where students of remote areas could study and get higher education. The University is now ready to start functioning.
The Namal University has been established in a picturesque location by the river side and amid mountains. It is already an associate institution of Bradford University and the idea is to develop it as the Oxford University of the East.
May be this sounds far-fetched but with the kind of faculty and the passion of this man, nothing seems impossible. But, it will surely be a place of learning of high standard, where the people of remote areas would get education, and they will also get scholarships.
What drives Imran Khan? Surely it is his love for his country, his people and his passion to do something good. Every honest person gets a feeling that the people who have given you so much love and respect, should also get something back from you.Though as a politician, Imran Khan, may not have made a mark for himself as yet, he has shown his concern for the people and that he didn't join politics just for the heck of it. This is a lesson for everybody in this region of South Asia where health and education are two most neglected sectors.
Can't our heroes who earn millions ever think of such a project. I am nobody to put any onus on Gavaskars, Tendulkars, Kapils and the rest who have earned millions to pay back in some form. They may be doing charitable works but has anybody thought about humanitarian works at such a scale.
The celebrities do have an advantage over others. If they go out asking for money for a good project, innumerable people come forward to extend support in all possible ways from providing land to financial support. Shouldn't Indian cricket stars emulate Imran Khan?
The fallen hero of Indian cricket, Azharuddin got enormous respect until he got involved in a betting scandal. Couldn't Azza have better gone for a similar initiative. He didn't lack money and has the celebrity status.