If terrorists are targeting Hyderabad repeatedly, there must be a reason for them.
No big city in India has such a multi-ethnic population with Muslims constituting nearly half of the populace apart from a large Christian population.
Hyderabad embodies the composite culture of India and proves that peaceful coexistence of Hindus and Muslims is no myth.
Also, it is a reflection of the new emerging India, where technology melts into culture and the nerve-centre of computer revolution in the country.
Hyderabad is often described as a metropolis simmering with Hindu-Muslim communal tension, which is nothing but false propaganda.
Unlike Cities in North India [Moradabad, Meerut, Aligarh], West [Ahmedabad, Surat] and Eastern India [Kolkata, Bhagalpur], Hyderabad has seen communal flash points and clashes but figures of deaths were never in hundreds or thousands. The trouble never lasted for long.
It is also one Indian City where Hindus still give houses on rent to Muslims and vice-versa. The culture is a blend of Hindu-Muslim and the speakers of Telugu and Urdu have never had any conflict. Hyderabad is 40% Muslim compared to Delhi (10%) or Mumbai (19%) and perhaps that's why it suits the terrorists.
If Hyderabad is attacked, the right wing fringe would readily point finger of suspicion at Muslims. Because it has more Muslims than other major cities, Swapan Dasgupta calls it a 'Muslim republic in the heart of India' and B Raman 'is told' that in 'many' Muslim houses the Pakistan president's photograph hangs.
Raman accepted that he never saw it but 'believed' what someone told him, and even recounted it. Huh. When the so-called intelligentsia loses its mental balance and become a part of such nefarious propaganda, it is certain that those who wish to drive a wedge between Hindus and Muslims will smell success.
Hindus and Muslims baying for each other's blood--that is the aim of the anti-national forces but that will not happen. Man on the street will outsmart them all--the terrorists and also the fraud intelligentsia. NO, we are united and will remain united AGAINST TERROR.
Hail the Hyderabadi spirit.