Tehelka writes that 'Narco-analysis and brain-mapping reports of accused and the Maharashtra police's ATS findings reveal an alarming trend.
This is about local Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) activists [and individuals associated with Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal[ raising their own terror networks'. You can read the report here.
Shashwat Gupta Ray's comprehensive story in the weekly paper dated December 30 reveals that Nanded blast accused Himanshu Panse said 'Bomb attacks outside the mosques are the only way to safeguard Hindus'.
'We will be treated like hijras (eunuchs) if we don't take action. Counter-attacks are the only way of avenging terror attacks', Panse said. The motive was to avenge the killing of Hindus in terror attacks.
The blasts in central Maharashtra occurred between 1.45 and 2 pm at the towns' most prominent mosques, just after Friday prayers, when the attendance is maximum. For weeks the Urdu papers were shouting but national media did not pay heed. There were some references though.
On this blog also, this issue was raised earlier.

However, Ellison remained unperturbed. He took the copy of Quran that was once owned by Americal president Thomas Jefferson, and took oath (this was termed by many newspapers as a PR masterstroke). Later Ellison said that Quran also inspired the founders of America. Ellison, a lawyer from Minnesota, had converted to Islam during his college years.