Shams Ur Rehman Alavi
Will it now be acknowledged that 'White Supremacist Terror' is one of the biggest threats to the society?
It is a threat to society, not just in United States of America (USA), but outside too [including Europe].
As many a 17 persons including mostly students and staff, were shot dead in the massacre that has shocked the entire world.
Nikolas Cruz, a former student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, entered the school premises, opened fire, killing 17 people and injuring over 14.

Cruz used an AR-15 style rifle for the coldblooded murders on the school campus.
In fact, a month before the shooting, FBI had received a tip that Cruz had made a threat but due to 'error', this information wasn't taken seriously.
Most of the victims in the horrific school shootings were students who were teenagers.
Alyssa, Martin, Nicholas, Jaime, Luke, Cara, Gina, Alaina, Meadow, Helena, Alex, Carmen, Peter--they were all in the age group of 14-17. There were others Chris, Scott and Aaron, from the staff.
There has been a long list of White men involved in shootings, massacres and killings in United States of America (USA).

Gun violence is one of the biggest problems for America. However, these people are often termed 'insane shooter', 'gunman', 'madman', but NOT terrorist.
The list of these 'gunmen' is long:
Anders Breivik killed 77 persons in Norway
Devin Kelley who killed 26 people in a Church
Wade Michael Page who killed devotees in a Sikh Gurdwara
Dylann Roof who killed nine blacks
Timothy McVeigh who killed 168 in Oklahama
James Holmes who killed people in a theatre
Robert James Talbot, Esteban Santiago, Alexandre Bissonette, Chris Harper Mercer, among others.
1. MUST-READ ON THIS SITE: White men not termed Terrorist, called 'shooter' or 'gunman'
2. DOUBLE STANDARDS: Insane gunman or shooter: Media must de-link religion from Terror
3. MAJORITARIAN RACISM: Why Dylann Roof was not termed Terrorist in US Media
Links about Florida school terror attack:
Victims of Florida School Shooting, names and photos
Wikipedia page on Stoneman Douglas school shootings in Florida
Florida gunman said he wanted to be a 'professional school shooter' and FBI were warned
Will it now be acknowledged that 'White Supremacist Terror' is one of the biggest threats to the society?
It is a threat to society, not just in United States of America (USA), but outside too [including Europe].
As many a 17 persons including mostly students and staff, were shot dead in the massacre that has shocked the entire world.
Nikolas Cruz, a former student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, entered the school premises, opened fire, killing 17 people and injuring over 14.

Cruz used an AR-15 style rifle for the coldblooded murders on the school campus.
In fact, a month before the shooting, FBI had received a tip that Cruz had made a threat but due to 'error', this information wasn't taken seriously.
Most of the victims in the horrific school shootings were students who were teenagers.
Alyssa, Martin, Nicholas, Jaime, Luke, Cara, Gina, Alaina, Meadow, Helena, Alex, Carmen, Peter--they were all in the age group of 14-17. There were others Chris, Scott and Aaron, from the staff.
There has been a long list of White men involved in shootings, massacres and killings in United States of America (USA).

Gun violence is one of the biggest problems for America. However, these people are often termed 'insane shooter', 'gunman', 'madman', but NOT terrorist.
The list of these 'gunmen' is long:
Anders Breivik killed 77 persons in Norway
Devin Kelley who killed 26 people in a Church
Wade Michael Page who killed devotees in a Sikh Gurdwara
Dylann Roof who killed nine blacks
Timothy McVeigh who killed 168 in Oklahama
James Holmes who killed people in a theatre
Robert James Talbot, Esteban Santiago, Alexandre Bissonette, Chris Harper Mercer, among others.
1. MUST-READ ON THIS SITE: White men not termed Terrorist, called 'shooter' or 'gunman'
2. DOUBLE STANDARDS: Insane gunman or shooter: Media must de-link religion from Terror
3. MAJORITARIAN RACISM: Why Dylann Roof was not termed Terrorist in US Media
Links about Florida school terror attack:
Victims of Florida School Shooting, names and photos
Wikipedia page on Stoneman Douglas school shootings in Florida
Florida gunman said he wanted to be a 'professional school shooter' and FBI were warned