It is immensely inspiring story for everybody. A 105-year-old Bagh Husain [whose age is certified] marries a 90-year-old woman. It was the woman who had proposed to him.
It was in 1942 that Bagh Husain, already twice married and having children, had proposed Shajra Bi of Poonch, Kashmir, but her family refused.
یہ مسلمان اتنا عشق کیوں کرتے ہیں
Heart-broken he joined army and as a soldier in Jat Regiment fought in Libya, Myanmar and many other countries. Shajra got married to a person. Meanwhile, Husain's wives either died or left him. Recently Shajra's husband died and after the period of 'iddat' she approached Husain with the proposal to which he readily agreed.
Angry at the marriage of the elderly granny, her family lodged a case with police against Husain of abducting her. But police intervened and the marriage took place. Urdu papers published the story and the Indian Express printed it as anchor story on page 1 [Jan 3, 2006].
The cute picture of the elderly couple can inspire the most depressed person. The smiles and blush on their faces are amazing. The zeal for life and love at the age of 90 and 105, Imagine!
I am sure nothing less than an ageless story like of Fermina Daza only if it gets a Marquez like man to pen it down. See the photo and stop getting any depression whatsoever. I remember what a friend of mine once said in a group where I was the lone Muslim among them.
She said that the greatest lovers have always been Muslims, they love like none else see Laila Majnu, Sheerin Farhad, Sohni Mahiwal, Azra Wamiq and innumerable others. They don't care about other things but for love.
One wishes it was the same impression across the world even today. Let's pray for that. Amen.